Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Dynamic SQL – the case for and against

I want to talk a bit about writing dynamic SQL. Dynamic doesn’t mean exciting or interesting, it simply means that the SQL queries are created at run time although, I think, it is both exciting and interesting. This is a big area and will take a few posts to cover all the detail I want to but we’ll get started today.
Before getting down to details, there are two main use cases for dynamic SQL. It is frequently used by DBAs to automate maintenance activates. I will not be covering this in these blogs. It is also used for complex and unpredictable queries - like customer searches. It can allow your queries to find that needle you need without sifting through the entire hay stack of other stuff. I’ll look at this use case.

Use dynamic SQL to find a needle in a haystack
Image by iluvcocacola
First, why use dynamic SQL? The answer is - it can lead to incredible performance and scalability increases. It becomes necessary as data sets grow to medium and larger sizes. In some cases, the impact to query response time can be millions of times.
Wow, improvements of millions of times? That raises the next question; why not use dynamic SQL all the time? There are a number of answers and I’ll look at a few here.
1.      Dynamic SQL will not improve every type of query and we’ll look at recognising the types of query to target in later posts.
2.      Dynamic SQL have a number of drawbacks including:
·        Dynamic code is more difficult to write
·        It raises a number of security difficulties that need to be resolved.
·        It does not always fit easily into development frameworks like ORM tools.
·        Can lead to memory issues.
·        It is harder to test and to change over time.
Now that sounds like something to avoid, doesn’t it? The simple answer is, yes you should avoid using dynamic SQL but sometimes it is necessary and beneficial. You need to recognise when it is appropriate. When you do need it, you need to know the implication and the techniques required to avoid the issues.
That’s all for today - I’ll cover more about the potential issues raised by dynamic SQL is the next post and follow up with details on how to implement later.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Achieved MCM SQL 2008 Qualification

I want to announce that I’ve gotten the MCM SQL 2008 qualification. I got this a few weeks ago and was waiting for the announcement from Microsoft but the official announcement is taking longer than I expected so I’m putting it here.
It’s been a long road getting here and I’ve learnt a lot over the period. Still a bit surprised that I managed to get to the end of process. Next steps is the BI MCITP to complete the set and after that looking at SQL 2012.  

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Mirroring Lync

Recently I did some work on mirroring the support SQL databases used by Lync. Lync is Microsoft’s unified communications offering providing lots of communications functionality like telephones, video conferencing etc… I won’t be covering either mirroring or Lync in much depth as there is already a lot of stuff on the web for both of these technologies. I’ll look at the specifics required by Lync and some of the discovery process that could be re-used to support mirroring on another application that does not natively support mirroring.
After analysing the problems and issues I determined that a hot fail over was not possible for Lync using mirroring but that a warm failover was possible. A hot failover will automatically bring the mirrored databases up on the mirror server and start serving queries automatically if the principal server has failed. A warm failover will not failover automatically but does support an easy manual failover when required. The mirrored databases are kept up to date on the secondary / mirror and can be brought online if the main / primary server fails or needs to be brought offline for operations like service pack patching.
There are two reasons why Lync cannot support a hot fail over.  There is no option in the Lync configuration facility to enter the failover partner’s address and the Lync solution uses cross data queries.
Normally, you add an extra option to database connection strings when using mirroring. This provides the address of the failover and is needed when the client connects to the database when the normal primary is down. If the client does not know the address of the mirror it cannot connect. Mirroring is built into the SQL client stack and the clients can get the mirroring server’s address from the active primary and automatically re-route connections if there is a failover while they are connected. But, this is not reliable and will not work if the client is not connected when the failover happens and the primary is not running when they try to connect. So, the absence of an option to specify the failover address in Lync’s configuration means that a hot failover will not be reliable and will not work in some usage cases.
There is a possibility that the connection string is held in a configuration file somewhere and can be manually edited to provide the failover partner. I chose not to pursue option due to concerns over maintainability the possibility of missing some entries.
This means that the address of the mirror must be specified in the hosts file when there is a failover to ensure normal operation is possible. This is done by editing the hosts.txt file normally found in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.txt. There is more detail on this on the web.
The next issue is the use of cross database queries. Lync includes a number of databases, the exact number of these depends on which features you are using, some of these use cross database queries. A cross database query is used when a query connected to one database references tables or objects in another database on the same server using a three part name. The cross database query means that these databases must be running on the same server all the time to function correctly. If one database automatically fails over this dependency is broken and the system becomes unstable. This is the second reason why the fail over must be a manual process. Furthermore, the system uses cross database ownerships chains that require a special setting to be applied to the database.
I identified this issue by using the sys.databases system view to examine the Lync databases. I found that the is_db_chaining_on was set to 1 for the rtc and rtcdyn databases. If you’re trying to get mirroring working on another vendor solution that does not support mirroring it is worth creating an empty dummy database on the server with the default options and comparing the other fields in this view and researching any differences you find. Setting is_db_chaining_on to the required value is done by applying the ALTER DATABASE xx SET DB_CHAINING ON command. The wrinkle here is, this cannot be applied when restoring the database. It must be brought online and then applied, so doing a manual failover and then applying the setting needs to be included in your deployment process.
Other than these issues, there were no major problems. The databases were using the simple recovery model and needed to be changed to full recovery for mirroring and log backup jobs were created to prevent uncontrolled log growth. Logins also needed to be identified and moved. There were no other dependencies that needed to be duplicated.
So, you end up with a relatively simple manual process that needs to be documented and followed when a failover is required. Not perfect but much better then needing to build servers from scratch and find / restore backups is an emergency and does provide a temporary server for patching / server maintenance. Of course, this isn’t formally supported by Microsoft and has not been exhaustively tested for all the various Lync components.
By the way, SQL 2012 Always On has added Availability Groups to specify a set of databases that must run on the same server. If one database fails over the rest are dragged over too. This would remove the issue caused by the cross database queries. That would justify more researching into removing the obstacle caused by the Lync configuration tools and make a full hot failover a possibility.